Agricultural Decision Support Technology

WiseCrop Tool

WiseCrop is an agricultural decision support tool.

Their Advanced Prediction Models can detect diseases, pests, abnormal weather conditions, hydric stress and bad nutrition.

They trigger alerts so that producers can take preventive actions before the crop is harmed.

It is also possible to remotely activate irrigation systems and other electronic devices.

WiseCrop was one of the start-ups representing Portugal at Tech Match Global.

WiseCrop is the user-friendly Web Platform integrates a set of services, acting as a centralized dashboard of your farm.

It collects all the data needed for a fully reasoned decision. It is a layer of agricultural intelligence supports your daily decisions.

It avoids unnecessary trips and allows you to react immediately, wherever you are and helps you to efficiently manage your business and contributes to higher profits.

Features of WiseCrop Tool:

1. Monitoring Real Time Data

2. Forecast Always A Step Ahead

3. Smart Irrigation- Precise and Predictive Solution

4. Fertilization- Nutritional Plan

5. Risk Models- Current Risk Level

6. Remote Control- Real Time and Automatic

7. Task- Efficient Task Management

8. Log Book- Global G.A.P. Complient.

Benefits of WiseCrop Tool:

1. Increases up to 30% of productivity with adequate irrigation and nutrition programs

2. Saves resources like water, energy and fertilizers

3. Continuously monitors your crop's conditions and avoids unnecessary visits to the field

4. Reduces de risk of production loss because of diseases and bad weather

5. Helps you become more eco-friendly improving the product quality

6. Saves time and money, gives you comfort and safety

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