Alternative Protein Sources

Some Alternative Protein sources are given below,


Maize is quite similar to other cereal grains in nutritive value. Maize is somewhat superior to wheat flour and only to a small extent below rice. Throughout the world maize, wheat and rice are the three cereal grains most consumed by people. The problem with maize lies in the diet of which it is a component, a diet mostly deficient in the kind of supplementary foods necessary to upgrade the nutrients ingested in relatively large amounts of maize.

Maize-consuming populations would be nutritionally better off if the maize consumed had the lysine and tryptophan genes of QPM or if it were consumed with a sufficient amount of protein foods such as legumes, milk, soybeans and amaranth seeds and leaves.

A diet of maize and beans in the ratio of 7:3 responds to the single addition of a complete B-vitamin and fat-soluble mixture and more so to a complete mineral supplement, but not to calories or to lysine and tryptophan.

Chickpeas/Garbanzo Beans:

For mild flavor and their versatility, Garbanzo beans are among the most versatile of beans. If you only eat 1,200-1,500 calories, it does not hurt that one cup of garbanzos provides 12 grams of protein or 24 percent of the daily value based on a 2,000-calorie diet.

We can buy them ready to eat or cook up the dried bean. To make own falafel we can also grind them up and add parsley and mint.


According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one cup of nonfat milk contains 8.26 grams of protein or 16 percent of your daily value for protein. Milk is also rich in calcium, vitamin D, riboflavin and other minerals.


Eggs could be a terrific meat and tofu substitute for our body. One large whole egg contains 6 grams of protein: 3 grams in the yolk and 3 grams in the white. Eggs contains many of the amino acids you need for complete protein. It also contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals.

Green Peas:

About 79 grams of protein are present in one cup of cooked peas, almost it is the same as one cup of milk.

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