Agriculture Softwares/Farming Softwares/Farm Software

Agriculture Softwares: PC based Automatic Milk Collection System by Akashganga

The AMCS helps for achieving timely, accurate & transparent milk collection with best use of Information Technology. This result into reduction of waiting time, decrease in wastage of milk, elimination of unfair practice. Preparation of milk receipt & timely payments to farmer.

It provides a simple, automatic, fast and accurate solution for all the record keeping, billing and reporting activities related to milk collection at the Primary Level Co-operative Society. Special feature of AMCS system is 2-Axis billing facility, using Auto CLR Indicator and Electronic Milk Tester.

The "Automatic Milk Collection Station" is a PC - based system with facility to attach the Electronic Milko Tester, Electronic Weighing Scale and Auto CLR Indicator input devices for one collection line.

All Reports required by Milk Co Operative like Farmer Milk Slip, Payment Register, Members Passbook, Dairy Register, Financial Records upto Balance Sheet, Dispatch Receipt Daily Report etc. are generated. It is user friendly system.


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