Agtech: Visualization of roots in soil is facilitated by Firefly protein

A team led by Carnegie's José Dinneny allows researchers to study the dynamic growth of root systems in soil.

Agtech: Agriculture Biotechnology International Trade

DBiotech-related agricultural trade problems are currently in the spotlight in Washington. U.S. agencies are devoting significant time and attention to bilateral trade problems with the European Union (EU), China and Korea, and to multilateral discussions in the Codex and the World Trade Organization (WTO). The House Biotechnology Caucus recently invited United States Trade Representative (USTR) Ambassador Robert Zoellick to meet with them to discuss trade problems with the EU. USTR has raised the possibility of initiating WTO dispute settlement proceedings against the EU regarding new product approvals.

The USTR approach is reportedly consistent with BIO's recommendations in most respects. The paper lays out an aggressive strategy that should bring coherence to U.S. policy and allow the U.S. to make much better use of available tools for addressing issues. One potential problem: food company representatives are concerned by reports that USTR may be recommending compromises with the EU on labeling.

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