Soil Technology News

SoilWeb Products to Access Soil Survey Data (SSURGO)

SoilWeb products can be used to access USDA-NCSS detailed soil survey data (SSURGO) for most of the United States.

Explore soil survey areas using an interactive Google map. View detailed information about map units and their components. This app runs in your web browser and is compatible with desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones.

SoilWeb Earth:
Soil survey data are delivered dynamically in a KML file, allowing you to view mapped areas in a 3-D display. You must have Google Earth or some other means of viewing KML files installed on your desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone.

SEE: Soil Series Extent Explorer:
SEE allows users to explore the spatial extent of soil types nationwide.
The Series Extent Explorer application can be used to quickly display and compare the approximate geographic distribution of up to five soil series.

Soil Properties App:
This app allows users to explore a variety of soil properties in map form.
This interactive map allows you to explore a variety of soil properties throughout California. The data shown here were obtained by aggregating USDA-NCSS soil survey data (SSURGO back-filled with STATSGO where SSURGO is not available) within 1 km² grid cells. This data aggregation technique results in maps that may not match the original data at any given point, and is intended to depict regional trends in soil properties at the statewide scale.

Soil Agricultural Groundwater Banking Index (SAGBI):
This app identifies the suitability of soils for on-farm groundwater recharge in California.
The Soil Agricultural Groundwater Banking Index (SAGBI) is a suitability index for groundwater recharge on agricultural land. The SAGBI is based on five major factors that are critical to successful agricultural groundwater banking: deep percolation, root zone residence time, topography, chemical limitations, and soil surface condition.

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